Cover estate of Qianhaiwan Depot of Shenzhen Metro

Qianhai Shenzhen-Hongkong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone consists of three major areas, i.e., business centre area, integrated development area and bonded port area; the business centre area where the project site is located will become the initiating area and future core area in the development of “Qianhai Zone” and the most promising high-end development land in future Shenzhen.

Project Location:

Shenzhen, Guangdong Province

Building Area:



Shenzhen Metro Group Co., Ltd.




The project is oriented as an urban complex integrating residences, business apartments, grade-A office buildings, boutique theme hotels, BLOCK commercial streets and many other types of business; in terms of functions, it has created a composite Qianhai modern efficient urban vitality unit which has perfectly combined “residential, working, business and leisure” functions, including the featured BLOCK commercial streets with leisure, catering and some shopping functions, the ecological grade-A office building clusters, the international featured theme hotels, the high-end business apartments, the independent communities with a strong residential atmosphere and other experiential facilities.
As a cover estate on depot, Qianhaiwan project is divided into Plots 1, 2 and 3, and has a total number of planned households of 10,500, for which it becomes the first successful case of such scale. Due to the closer association between cover estates and metro, compared with traditional real estate development, the development of this project will encounter more difficulties and challenges:
1 Transportation organization of cover estate on depot.
It mainly considers the functional changes of the vertical spatial structure, utilizes the vertical elevation difference to realize the separation of pedestrians and vehicles, connects the public spaces at various levels with pedestrian corridors, and employs the long and narrow plot form to establish pedestrian-oriented street-wall interfaces and create a continuous and featured public space system (the elevation level of 0m is designed as rail transit and plant area transportation; the elevation level of 9m is designed as parking lot and commercial streets; the elevation level of 15m is designed as pedestrian-oriented leisure platform).

2 Fire-control, vibration-proof, noise-reduction, environmental pollution-control and other technical measures.
• In terms of fire control design, the elevation levels of 0m and 15m are designed as the levels for fire safety evacuation; a general layout is adopted for fire truck entrances/exits and urban roads, and the opening area of the cover plate at the elevation level of 15m is cut through into an outdoor space, so as to work in coordination with the cover plate at the elevation level of 9m and provide a safe refuge; the safe refuge at the elevation level of 9m has an area of about 1,500m2, and fire-proof roll screen/water curtain is adopted to separate this area from the fire area.
• In terms of vibration proof and noise reduction, noise-reduction measures are adopted to reduce the vibration caused by the running of metro trains. For instance, the test run line uses Cologne-egg type fasteners, rubber vibration pads and other noise-reduction articles, and forbids test run operations during the night and during resting hours in the daytime; other lines outside the sheds adopt a train speed of below 7km/h, rail joints are installed away from property platforms as far as possible, and bridge-type vibration absorber joint plates, vibration absorber fasteners (such as DTIII fasteners), vibration damper plates and other vibration-proof articles are used; for lines inside the sheds, rigid connection should be avoided between columns and hardened floor, vibration-proof seams about 20mm in width should be designed around these columns, asphalt and other damping materials should be filled in the seams, and so forth;
• In terms of environmental pollution control and energy saving, the large number of openings designed on the 15m platform provide an ideal natural lighting for the 9m platform, and the upper-level rainwater is collected and used for greening irrigation in the park and for ground cleaning in the garage of the 9m platform;

3 How to create a warm residential environment and provide more green leisure space for the residents while still maintaining a high density?
Relying on the elevation difference created by the building of the cover estate on the depot, lawn and seasonal southern plants are combined to transform the heavy and cold Cover platform into a natural, fluctuated and gentle greening terrace, create a pleasant environment integrating hilly countryside style and greening leisure space, alleviate the local high-level heat island effect and purify the air.

4 Unification of monomer building construction and clustering effect.
We have designed a group of four outward facades(four buildings) into red walls to create a “real” feeling; the four facades facing the internal 15m platform are painted white to create a permeable “virtual” effect. The combination of and comparison between “real” and “virtual” significantly strengthens the concept of “clustering”. The architectural form adopts an effect of setting back towards the internal courtyard, and is cultivated with plants on the roof; the red facades also adopt a ladder pattern to echo with the setback effect and make the towers feel more tall, straight and rich in changes.

The overall construction of the project aims to erect a depot development model in domestic.

CCDI undertook “2014 International Technical Seminar on the Integrated Property Development of Rail Transit, and close attention was focused on the project. Seen from project planning, design and construction, the development of metro depot and its upper space should be deemed as an integral system in the design process; metro depot and cover estate are two subsystems of different functions, and should be simultaneously designed. On the basis of the exploration and practice in the design of Qianhai Depot, we will also create more classic cover estate projects and more quality projects in this field in domestic.
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